There’s probably a number of reasons as to why you may have stumbled upon this page. Maybe you just wanted to see some of our past custom work, maybe you had a question about changing something in a piece you already had your eye on, or maybe your curiosity just got the better of you (don’t worry, we understand completely). For whatever the reason, we’re here to help.
There’s a number of ways we can customize our designs:
- Modifying the size of a piece
- Increasing or decreasing the length
- Changing the beads in a piece
- Switching out the components
- And many more!
Please continue down the page for some examples.
Sizing/Length Options:
Maybe your wrist is too small or too large for the sizes we currently have available, or maybe you’re in between sizes, and want a piece to be a little more loose or snug. There’s also the possibility that you may want one of our wrap bracelets reduced down to a single length, or maybe even have a single length piece become a wrap.
Whatever your issue is, our goal is to make sure that our pieces are the perfect fit for you, both literally and figuratively.
Feel free to contact us here, and we’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible. (Note: Prices/return policies are subject to change based on the type of customization.)
Love one of our pieces, but think that maybe you’d love it even more if something was a little different? Is the toggle too big or small? Maybe you’d like the piece more if the components were made of a different metal? What if some of the beads were switched out for other ones instead?
Whatever you’re thinking about, we’ve got you covered. Whether it’s one toggle, one bead, or half of a piece, we can help you edit our pieces into something that is truly, uniquely yours.
Feel free to contact us here, and we’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible. (Note: Prices/return policies are subject to change based on the type of customization.)
Have any other questions about customs not addressed here? Feel free to contact us here.