Return Policies:
- All returns must be made within 30 days of their shipping date.
- To be eligible for a return, all items must be in the same condition they were received in.
- Although the buyer is in charge of any shipping fees on their end, there is no restocking fee.
- All customs and sale items cannot be returned.
To start the return process, please get in contact with us here.
Exchange Policies:
- All exchanges must be made within 30 days of their shipping date.
- To be eligible for an exchange, all items must be in the same condition they were received in.
- Although the buyer is in charge of any shipping fees on their end, there in no restocking fee (note: for first exchanges only).
- Any exchanges past the first are subject to restocking and shipping fees.
- All customs and sale items cannot be exchanged.
To start the exchange process, please get in contact with us here.
- All products come with a 30-day (starting from the shipping date) "accidents" warranty, covering any problems that may have occurred during the shipping or production processes. Examples of these problems include: bent components, broken beads, broken cording, etc.
- All non-elastic pieces also come with a 1-year/1-time (starting from the shipping date) warranty that covers any breaks and/or major damages (such as broken beads, cording, components, etc.). Discoloration of any beads and/or components over time however are not covered by this warranty.
- All custom and sale pieces are covered by the same warranties as well, however they are not eligible for any other returns or exchanges.
- will cover any shipping fees regarding both warranties to customers within the United States. However, international customers will be in charge on any shipping fees on their end regarding both warranties.
*Note: Customers who ship back pieces covered by warranties will have the shipping refunded from the original order once proof of shipping purchase has been verified.*
If you have any other questions regarding any of our policies, feel free to contact us here.